
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Law of Attraction or Chemistry.

There is an actual definition on Wiki.  If you care to investigate you can go here:

Rather than reiterate it, I will talk about what I feel about attraction.  Seems it hits everyone, but we all have a different reaction to it.  Sometimes there is mutual attraction, but most times the equation isn’t equal.

Oddly enough I have been watching Dexter and Season 7 deals with attractions that are equal, but spell a disaster in the making.  Dexter is drawn to a woman whom he tries to murder, but instead ends up having an affair with her.  He questions himself throughout the episode and here are some of the best quotes:

“Chemistry. I’ve heard some people have it.  An attraction that can’t be qualified or explained. Is that the reason behind this? Loss of control?” – Dexter

"Chemistry deals with the reactions between elementary forms of matter. Separate the elements and you negate the reaction."  - Dexter

“When some elements come together they create a reaction that can’t be reversed. They transcend chemistry. Is this what love feels like? Is this how it begins? Am I even capable of this?” – Dexter

“So why am I walking away from this? Because when two chemicals mix they combust and explode.” – Dexter

As Pink sings about in the song,”True Love," she hates him so much, it must be true love.  In Dexter’s case it’s not just hate, but murder.

Why is it so difficult to stay away from people we know are bad for us, and so easy to blow off someone who is probably is? Do we need loss of control to fall in love?  I’ve known more than one person who has found themselves in this situation.  We are attracted to the wrong people all the time and sometimes we even continue despite knowing that it will end in disaster.

Perhaps real chemistry between two people needs that love/hate conflict or that element of danger to make it interesting enough to remain attracted.  

As I write this, I don't know what will become of Dexter and his irresistibly beautiful partner, but I don't see it lasting.  Will he end up murdering her or walk away?  All I know is he is drawn to her despite his logic.  Been there, done it.

What do you think?  Have you been there?

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