
Friday, December 20, 2013


Is it possible to give to everyone?  Or are there people who just refuse to receive?

I’m a giver.  Always have been. I’ve had the good fortune to have had so much in my life, it only seems natural to want to give.  I'm not talking about things entirely, but more about love.

I’ve met so many people since my husband died.  There have been some incredible times with my new friends and I am always happy to share what I have with them.

But as we approach the “giving” season, I realize that some of my friends are incapable of receiving.  I’m not sure if it’s because they have had difficult lives and haven’t known true love from a friend or lover, or whatever.  Maybe it’s just an inequity.  I have, they don’t.  I realize that I am fortunate to have many people who love me.  Perhaps they resent me because I have, but honestly I’m so willing to share and with no strings.  I expect nothing in return.

All I know is that is very difficult wanting so much to give and share my love with these friends.  If I could just bring a bit of happiness to their lives, I would be so grateful.  I have finally come to peace with it though, and it’s the most amazing feeling ever.  I have to say that Christmases past I always gotten very depressed about what would or would not happen on the day.  Too many expectations.  For the first time ever, I am content to be alone on Christmas.  I will spend the day counting my blessings for all the years past and hope that some day my friends will accept my “gifts.”

Wishing you all that one day you can and will accept the gifts your friends offer and know it's not just things, but actually love that is being thrown your way and to know that nothing is expected in return.

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