
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Let's talk a bit about being naked.  A little over 2 years ago I found myself living alone for the first time in my life.  Rather amazing considering I've lived more than 6 decades.  I can't say it's been an easy journey, but I've learned to embrace what comes my way.

In these two years, I've learned that living alone can have some really great advantages, like walking around my house naked.  Being comfortable with making yourself bare is more than accepting a glimpse of yourself in a passing mirror, but also getting to the Naked Truth of yourself inside as well.

It requires a lot of hard work to accept the Naked Truth.  I journal as often as I can, and my entries are primarily to understand who I am and why I do what I do.  Jung says that we are attracted or repelled by people who have the same traits buried in their subconscious or Shadow archetype.  To look at the darker side of myself and admit my faults has not been easy, but as I make an attempt to wrestle with my Shadow, I've come to know several truths about myself.

I am not going to bore you with my self examination, but I encourage you to think the next time you emphatically abhor something about a person in your life, ask yourself why?  Is it because you are seeing a reflection of yourself?

So try going naked both physically and internally.  I think you will find yourself better for it.

One thing I've promised myself is to return to my poetry.  You will find a link to my poetry page above.

In future blogs I will share with you all the things with which I am curious and spend my time learning and practicing; philosophy, photography, writing, humor, relationships, friendships.

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